Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Luggage Addiction

I have an issue with old luggage.
It is not so much an issue but more of an addiction.  I find it and buy it, always.  I resell lots of it but not all of it.  I love the texture. I love the colors, all the reds, blues, even the avocado greens from the 1950's-1970's.  The older the better.  

I even love the smell.  You might smell old grandma but I smell history.  I have the same love for the smell of old books.  Who used this suitcase?  Where did it travel to? I like to think of all the families who loved the piece before me. We hand things down in our house. There was a time when if you needed something you only had to go as far as my mother's basement or attic to find it.  Sadly, those days are no more but I strive to be that way for my kids someday.

I had a little suitcase when I was a child at my Grandmother's house.  She lived a short bike ride away from us my whole childhood. I loved having her so close.  I spent as much time at her house as I did at my own. I had my own room and my own toys and even a cradle for my dolls. All my other small toys were in a suitcase under the bed.  Easy access and easy cleanup. It was filled with doll clothes and items we found at yard sales usually.  I would give anything to have that suitcase now.  Or anything of my Grandmother's.  There was a house fire and everything was lost, it all burned.  I think this is were my luggage love started.

I always have luggage for sale in my booth.  I have 3 pieces there right now.
This is what I have in there right now. A train case, a blue Samsonite and a very nice vintage tan leather case with a crimson velvet interior.  It is a beauty.

I use the luggage all over my house and in my business.  My favorite is my luggage side table.  In my living room I use 3 gorgeous pieces attacked next to a club chair.  They store off season blankets and pillows.  I change my pillows a couple times a year so I like to keep the pillow covers close so I can change them whenever I want. The pieces are a little dinged up but beautiful. 

My living room end table.

I also use luggage at my craft shows. I use them to display all my items. I fill them with chalkboards, photo albums, pillows, you name it. 

I also have a stack in my garage that I will not show you due to my garage being full of my "projects".  It looks like a hoarder lives out there. A path gets you from the outside to the inside door.  I am working on a better organizing solution but until I come up with one it stays as it is.  My husband doesn't care so why should the neighbors?

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