Thursday, May 22, 2014

Craft Show Ready: Pre-Show Prepping

I actually have a show tonight and I have made my list of things to do and I am checking them off one by one.  I will be at the Sip n Shop in Apex at the Halle Cultural Art Center 6-9:30 pm.

You have already decided which show/shows you want to participate in and your acceptances are in. Congratulations! Now what?  Getting ready for the show can seem overwhelming. I have been a vendor at craft shows for over 10 years and I have learned a few things, some of them the hard way.  After all these years I finally have a routine.  It starts with getting all my products made. You might think that is the hard part, but after all these years that part of the process is easier. Getting all my products ready and packed can sometimes be a challenge.  There are a few tips and tricks that help keep things running more smoothly.

Before the Show

1. Double check my products.  I always make sure I have twice what I need for a show and multiples of my best sellers.  I pack it all up carefully. You don't want your products to be damaged in route to your show.

2. Check your setup.  This can be a little time consuming but it is always worth it.  I do a dry run before the show, especially if my space it smaller or larger than what I am used to.  I set up my display in my house or in my driveway to try new displays or to tweak my standard set-up.  I will set up my table/sand then add my crates, risers, suitcases, etc without my products to get an ides of how I want it to look.  Every show is different and if I have a single 6" table my setup is different than if I have an outdoor show wit a 10x10" space.  This gives me a chance to get a second opinion if I need it.  Sometimes I even draw out the setup in my notebook (I will talk more about that another day, it is my craft show bible). You might need a mirror if you sell jewelry or hair items.  Have more than 1 and multiple sizes.

3. Make sure your tablecloths or table covers are clean.  Seems so obvious but it is something overlooked often by crafters.

4. Get change.  You will need a variety of bills and change.  Do this ahead of time so you are not out of luck the day of the show.  You have to be at the show early and banks are not open tip 9am.

5. Pack a GO-TO bag.  Mine is actually a basket I take to every show. It has things I need to keep the show running smooth like a glue stick, scissors, tags, a sharpie, my sold tags, a box of business cards, clothes pins. and string.  Your bag will be different but I bring mine to every show. Accidents happen and a little kid will rip something and a glue stick is handy since I deal with a lot of paper.  What do you need in your bag?

6. Be comfortable.  I plan my outfit to wear the day of the show.  You want to look professional but be comfortable.  I wear jeans, a nice shirt and a cardigan most of the time. Appearances are important. Wear comfortable shoes because you will be standing a lot. Remember you are the face of your business.

7. Tables and chairs.  Make sure they are the appropriate size.  I have a couple different tables because every show has their own requirements.  Some supply tables and some don't.  I always use my own because I have practiced my set up on my tables and I know how it will look. I don't want to be stressed the day of the show because the table they provided is not as long or wide as I need.

8. Bags and packaging materials.  What will you put your items in once they have been purchased.  Do you need tissue or bubble wrap for breakables?  Make sure you have more than you need, you don't want to run out.

9. Marketing and business materials.  You need business cards. I can go through box at a great show.  A camera for uploading pics to social media before the show even starts, get the word out about where you are and what is near you to draw a crowd. Newsletter/email sign up is a great way to keep in touch with your customers between shows. Pens and markers, they walk away all day.

10. Pack it up.  This is where I struggle sometimes. I have trouble packing it all up the same way twice. Pack your items in your display if possible to save room. If you use crates put some items in the crates. Wrap items carefully so they don't break before you get there. Pack your car or truck the night before.  You do not want to be rushed in the early morning hours before the show.  Pack so the items you want access to first are on top or easy to get to. I make sure I an get to my tables so I can set them up first.  I do not want to put my displays or my items on the floor. I don't want them to get dusty or dirty and if they are on tables they will not get stepped on or knocked over.  Things can get crazy in the hour before the show opens. There are crafters moving in and people all over the place.                                               
 Remember to get a good night's rest. Bring a lunch and plenty of water. And get ready to smile all day.  Have fun! And just be yourself.

Check out my Etsy store to see some of the items I will be selling at my shows.

Stay tuned for more info on how to set up a craft show booth!

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